So, what is the most fundamental and essential component to this and every other relationship…well, any that hope to last? TRUST!! Trust is the foundation, and without it, everything else would crumble. It takes time to build, and it can’t be rushed. We didn’t hop into a relationship and say, “Okay, here I am! I completely trust you, do whatever you like!!” I didn’t immediately fall to His feet and beg Him to take me as His. He did not immediately trust that I was strong enough to belong to Him. For that matter, we didn’t even trust each other enough to consider what we have now. That came much later… This aspect of our relationship came after countless nights talking, sharing stories, learning who the other really was, each other’s likes and dislikes. This came after accepting one another for who we are and what we are.
Only upon learning about the other were we able to open ourselves up to new ideas and possibilities. We did not seek each other out to form a Master /slave relationship. For that matter, I had never even thought to be submissive to anyone… The trust I have in My Everything broke down the barriers and walls I had put up around myself. My true identity came forth, and in Him, I found everything I have always needed. This is not something I would have ever allowed to happen with a random stranger.
Personally, I could never go out and actively search for a Master. The idea is preposterous to me. How could anyone trust some random stranger with their life? Oh, but wait! You met them at a munch, or possibly on the internet and you’ve checked references and had coffee! Really?! And you trust them to take care of you, to never harm you, to fulfill your needs? I’m sure that contract you signed takes care of all that, right? If that’s what you want, hey, that’s you…
I have often read how slaves feel that they must be owned or that they can’t function. If you can’t function without an owner, then I think you need to have a sit down with yourself and examine who you are and why you feel that you must be dependent on someone else. The inability to be without an owner is unhealthy. Slavery is not about weakness. Slavery is not about being owned because you are incapable of living without the direction from another. Slavery is about submitting in order to please you both. Yes, it does fulfill a need and desire inside each of us, but we as a person should never become a slave to being a slave. That is the difference between a healthy and unhealthy slave, in my opinion.
The point of this is not to say “well you’re not a real slave and you are a real slave”. The point of this is to say don’t rush things. Take your time and get to know whoever it is you are with. Be open and honest, build the foundation of a relationship, and do it because it is what you want, not because you are insecure without someone else in your life. This doesn’t just apply to Master/slave relationships; this applies to every relationship you hope to maintain.
Copywright 2012 The Twisted Buttafly
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